Help with heating and electricity bills

Resources for those struggling to pay for utilities

Utility bills are expected to increase dramatically this winter, and National Grid adjusts its natural gas and electricity rates on November 1 (and May 1).

The state is consulting with the federal government to create a winter heating plan, which we will share once available. My office is also sharing the list of resources below.

Our state’s energy system is largely in the hands of for-profit, investor-owned corporations. Their overreliance on natural gas for electricity generation and our overreliance on it for home heating makes us vulnerable to price swings from high demand, global conflict, and commodity speculation. As your state representative, I have been proud to vote to direct the state to fund and develop large amounts of offshore wind and other clean energy in an effort to reduce this overreliance. Once online, these projects will help stabilize prices in future winters, reduce emissions, and boost our state economy.

  • Utility companies, including National Grid, offer flexible payment plans, regardless of income, and potential balance forgiveness.

  • If your household income is not over 60% of the state median income, Massachusetts utilities can offer a discount on your total utility bill as well as individualized payment plans where you can have some or all of your outstanding balance forgiven. You can also apply at any time throughout the winter season for fuel assistance through the federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Community action agencies can help walk you through the process of applying and answer any questions you may have.

    If your household makes 60-80% of the state median income, you are encouraged to see if you qualify for financial help from the Good Neighbor Energy Fund.

  • You are protected by Massachusetts law (MGL ch.164 §124F) from having your gas or electric utilities shut off from November 15 to March 15 if those services are used for heating. You are still responsible for any unpaid bills when the no-shutoff period ends. The Attorney General’s office encourages customers to enroll in a utility payment plan, which avoids accumulating debt.

  • Through the energy efficiency targets our state has set for utilities, Massachusetts has the highest 2020-25 electric savings target in the nation. Mass Save provides information and rebates to reduce your energy use, leading to lower bills over time. In addition, income-eligible customers can participate in Mass Save’s Low-income Energy Affordability Network (LEAN), which provides no cost energy efficiency upgrades for both owners and renters.

  • If you are a resident of a community like Worcester or Leicester, which have active municipal aggregation programs, you may consider switching from your electric company to the aggregation. The long-term electricity contracts used in these programs result in stabilized electricity costs that are not subject to the same short-term price fluctuations (although be aware that prices may increase upon program renewal).


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